All 20 Intel Locations on Denied Area Spec Ops Mission - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

You can find up to 20 Intel during the Denied Area Spec Ops mission. Here's how you can locate them all.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 continues enriching the COD world with lore and instilling depth using Intel that players can find in different parts of the map. These pieces of Intel can be found in different forms, including photos, texts, and audio.

Denied Area Intel Featured

There are 50 pre-season Intel scattered across all three Spec Ops launch maps, including Low Profile, Denied Area, and Defender: Mt. Zaya. In this guide, we walk you through all twenty possible locations found in Denied Area.

Video Guide

Geiger Counter

Before you begin collecting the Intel, make sure to collect the Geiger Counter at the very beginning of the mission. This Geiger Counter will be used to locate some of the hidden Intel that is not obtainable otherwise.

Upon starting the mission, you can easily get one Geiger Counter from the security outpost near your spawn location.

Geiger Counter Location Map

Geiger Counter Location Visual

Intel 1 (Geiger Counter)

The first Intel is found using the Geiger Counter, and it is right outside S.A.M site A. It can be anywhere in the highlighted area shown on the map below.

Intel Map Denied Area

Use your Geiger Counter, and follow the radiation. As the radioactive counter goes up, you get closer to the Intel. The Intel is always a wooden crate.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 2

The second Intel is inside S.A.M site A.

Intel Map Denied Area

It is on the table in one of the partial tent setups at S.A.M site A.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Second Possible Spawn Location

If you don't find the Intel on the table at tent 1, you can go to the western part of the site, and there will be another tent. Check the table in this setup. It will have Intel.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 3

The Intel is on a small wooden chair under a shelter in the southern part of S.A.M site A.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 4

The Intel is in the semi-residential area you come across as you drive toward other S.A.M sites. There is a building that comes across on the way and it has one Intel inside.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Head inside the building, and you will find the Intel in the form of a folder on the dining table on the ground floor.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 5

As you move forward, you will come across this building with a huge tower. At the base of the tower is a well-established building with multiple rooms and a central market.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Enter through the archway (seen in the image above), and go right. You will find a room with multiple beds for sick patients.

Intel Visual Denied Area

You will find a side table in between the two beds to your left. The Intel is on this side table.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 6

Go to the back of the same building where you found Intel 5, and climb up the ladders.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Keep climbing up using a set of ladders through the door ahead of you to get to the top of the tower.

Intel Visual Denied Area

You will find the Intel sitting on the ledge when you reach the top.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 7

The Intel is inside a small brick house.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Go up the stairs, and enter the house. You will find the Intel on a small wooden table.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 8

The Intel is inside one of the enemy-accommodated buildings towards the end of the residential section of this map.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Enter the building, and turn right to go upstairs. You will find several rooms. Go inside the room directly at the end of the corridor that has a giant red tool cabinet.

Intel Visual Denied Area

The Intel is on the red cabinet.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 9

The next Intel is found in a building located at an intersection that separates S.A.M sites B and D.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Enter the building and go upstairs. You will find the Intel in a drawer with a TV on it.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 10

The Intel is plugged into a laptop on a table directly in front of the S.A.M at site D.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 11

There is a small house at S.A.M site D that has another Intel.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Go upstairs and you will find the Intel in a broken drawer.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 12 (Geiger Counter)

This is another Geiger Counter Intel you can find near S.A.M site D. The location may vary slightly, but it will be in the region marked on the map below. Use your Geiger Counter to pinpoint the exact location.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 13

There is another small house just below S.A.M site D.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Climb on top of the roof by mantling over the white water tank, and you will find the Intel.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 14 (Geiger Counter)

Use the Geiger Counter to locate the Intel in region highlighted on the map below.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 15

This Intel is also found using the Geiger Counter and is situated near Intel 14.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 16

The Intel is on S.A.M site C, near the western wall of the site.

Intel Map Denied Area

You will find it on a bench under a shelter with a parked truck beside it.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 17

Intel 17 is also in a building at S.A.M site C.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Go upstairs, and the Intel is on a small wooden side table at the end of the bed with a TV and a flower pot on it.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 18

The Intel is at S.A.M site B.

Intel Map Denied Area

You will find it connected to a laptop on a table beside the ammo refill station.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 19

This Intel is also at S.A.M site B, but slightly southeast of Intel 18.

Intel Map Denied Area

The Intel is on a table by the refill ammo station.

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Intel 20

The Intel is on a table at a small outpost setup at S.A.M site D.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area

Second Possible Spawn Location

If you don't find the Intel at the outpost, you can check its alternative spawn location at S.A.M site C. The Intel will be on a table beside the ammo refill station directly in front of the S.A.M setup.

Intel Map Denied Area

Intel Visual Denied Area


You also unlock exclusive rewards for collecting the Intel fragment across all spec ops mission maps.

  • All Mighty (Emblem)
    Intel Pieces Required: 20
    All Mighty Emblem Intel Reward
  • Deadly Precision (Calling Card)
    Intel Pieces Required: 40
    Deadly Precision Calling Card Intel Reward
  • Brass Selection (Weapon Blueprint)
    Intel Pieces Required: 50
    Brass Selection Weapon Blueprint Intel Reward


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Hassan Sajid

Gaming has been a part of Hassan’s life for as long as he can remember, and he has an excellent grasp of all types of games. Hassan is best known for his the in-depth written and video guides that he produces for Xfire. He graduated with a degree in engineering from the National University Science & Technology (formerly known as Caledonian College of Engineering). The research and technical writing skills he earned throughout his time in the university have allowed him to contribute to the gaming community by creating guides. Find Hassan on LinkedIn or find him gaming on Steam.
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