Elder Scrolls 6 may be Todd Howard's last game in the series

The game director says "I'm not getting any younger", possibly hinting at retirement after the release of the Skyrim sequel.

It is just a matter of time before we get The Elder Scrolls 6. However, the highly anticipated sequel to Skyrim maybe Todd Howard’s swansong. In an interview with IGN before Starfield Direct, Howard talked about how long Bethesda’s game development takes. The 52-year-old said that he may be close to retirement age when the game comes out.

Todd Howard maybe in his mid-60s before Bethesda considers making Elder Scrolls 7.

"I want to be faster, but speed isn't the goal," Howard said. "So our ability, like we talked about, to support Starfield... Whereas maybe in the old days, you would put it out and then you'd go on to a sequel, now we can support that game for a much longer period of time, which is what our plan is."

He adds, "And then as we look to an Elder Scrolls 6, that is one where... I probably shouldn't say this. But if I do the math, I'm not getting any younger. How long do people play Elder Scrolls for? That may be the last one I do. I don't know."

Bethesda has confirmed that it will be working on Elder Scrolls 6 after Starfield.

Bethesda has undoubtedly allocated most of its resources to the release of Starfield. The upcoming space exploration RPG is the studio’s first major release in eight years and its first new IP in the last quarter century.

Howard expects that the team will be supporting Starfield for a decent amount of time before looking to work on its next project. While Howard previously said that The Elder Scrolls 6 will be Bethesda’s next major release after Starfield, he has not given a firm development window for the upcoming RPG.

Bethesda announced both The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield at E3 2018. During the presentation, the title cards for both games were revealed alongside a brief teaser. Looking back, it may have been too early for Bethesda to announce Elder Scrolls 6.

Given that Starfield is coming in September, a full five years since its announcement, it may take a long while before we see the Skyrim sequel. Bethesda takes its time in developing its flagship titles, something that Howard has complained about in the past. However, Howard explained that games are given as much development time as they need.

The longevity of Skyrim may be one of the basis of Howard's statement about Elder Scrolls 6.

"I think Half-Life 3 will do fine, right?" Howard said. "So even though in the moment, how do I bring that closer to reality today, because I want to play it, those gaps, these are still evergreen franchises that I think when they come, it's about just doing it right."

Bethesda may also be wary of big title releases given how Redfall fared earlier this year. Arkane Studios' AAA survival horror game is currently one of the worst-rated games on Steam after its release. Poor performance, technical issues, and a weak narrative doomed one of Xbox’s most anticipated titles this year.

Aside from the long development cycle, Howard may also be looking at the longevity of Skyrim as a basis for his statement. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released in 2011 and is still one of the most popular Bethesda titles today. If Elder Scrolls 6 enjoys the same success as Skyrim, Howard may already be in his mid-60s before Bethesda even considers a sequel.

For now, all eyes are on Starfield as the game is set to launch on September 6, 2023.


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Darryl Lara

Darryl has been gaming since the early 90s, loves to read books and watch TV. He spends his free time outside of gaming and books by riding his motorcycle and taking photographs. You can find Darryl on Instagram. Check him out on Steam and Xbox too.
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